
Snow. What exactly is snow? Well, wikipedia says: Snow is precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes. Since it is composed of small rough particles it is a granular material. It has an open and therefore soft structure, unless packed by external pressure.
Snow is commonly formed when water vapor undergoes deposition high in the atmosphere at a temperature of less than 0°C (32°F), and then falls to the ground. Blaa, blaa, blaa. That's not quite what I mean. What does snow mean to you? For those of us that live in the south, snow comes very infrequently so any fond memories of having snow in your back yard are special ones in deed.
Let me tell you my little story. I grew up in the middle of a less than prestige neighborhood. About a block away was a very steep hill. When the snow got deep enough to close school, the city also closed the road going down this hill. It was very steep with a long stretch of flat road bellow it. Perfect for sledding. Many kids would gather there. We all would try to make it past the stop sign at the bottom. Thinking back, that wasn't the brightest thing to do, but I damn near made it to my front door many times!
I also can remember my parents taking my sister and I down town shopping in the evening pulling us on sleds. Watching the snow fall bellow the street light was a memory I will never forget. It just looked so cool. Even the sound of the snow softly falling on a quiet night brings back good times.
This must be why I take my kids out sled riding every time is snows. I just love it, and I know they do as well.
What's your story?
Is that all you guys got?? Come out this way and I'll show you 19" of crystalized water!!!!
Snot: Just under 2", that's it.
lass: Good story. I can remember snow that deep, winter of '95 I think. Then it all melted in like 2 minutes. Bad flood....
We even got more than you guys. I didn't get the ruler out because since Dorman had his hands on it....I can't seem to find it. ;)
All measuring devices must be hidden when Dorman is around as he has a compulsive measuring of those insecurity things ;)
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