Thursday, November 23, 2006


We all are told that Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for what we have. Unfortunately as the days and years past, we are left with less and less to be thankful for, or so it seems. Looking around my life, I am without a doubt, thankful for many things. I have highlighted just a few of them bellow.

I am thankful for:

What freedom we have left…(not much)

My kids…(at least on most days)

A good job that pays well…(and drives me crazy)

My wife…(I guess)

The fact that I have access to a rifle range…(they really need to spend my $50 on the 200 yard range)

Public organized youth sports… (this drives me crazier, yea crazier, it’s my word)

Public schools… (that I must pay for even if my kids don’t attend)

My friend Dean… (who has trouble with his pants these days)

My friend Chuck… (who is not so patiently waiting for my to finish the tailgate to his trailer, and better damn well show up Sunday)

My friend Jeremy…(who is crazier than I was when I was 18, and even better at it)

My ability to work with kids (I wish I could do the same with my own)

My Mother-In-Law…(who cares for my son in my absence, and has more issues than the United States Government)

And last but not least…

My parents…( who I will never understand, EVER)

Have a great Turkey Day! May the tryptophan take effect during the game!


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