Monday, February 27, 2006

A simple apology to my unborn great-grandchildren.

I’m sorry to say that things were not always as you know them.

I’m sorry we couldn’t work together.

I’m sorry things got this bad for your generation.

I’m sorry we didn’t stand up to ‘big oil’ (that’s what we called companies like Exxon) and chance things ourselves.

I’m sorry we didn’t overrun the government of OUR time.

I’m sorry we let our politicians run wild with their own agendas.

I’m sorry we didn’t listen to the few who had the courage to speak.

I’m sorry I didn’t speak out.

I’m sorry we didn’t take better care of our own countries oppression.

I’m sorry you no longer have private schools.

I’m sorry we took away the bills of rights.

I’m sorry you will never know the freedom we took for granted.

I’m sorry you cannot own a riffle.

I’m sorry you will never know what it’s like to teach your kids how to hunt.

I’m sorry you will never know what it’s like to teach your kids how to fish.

I’m sorry you can’t know the joy of going mountain biking real woods.

I’m sorry you can’t jump into your automobile and drive to work in the morning, by your self, listening to YOUR favorite music or talk show.

I’m sorry about the government operated mass transit system you just endure.

I’m sorry you can’t just decide to go on vacation with the family.

I’m sorry you’ll never know how a real community of people.

I’m sorry you can never enjoy belonging to a gun or shooting club.

I’m sorry we reinstated prohibition.

I’m sorry you’ll never know what it was like to take you kids to a live baseball game and have a hot dog.

I’m sorry you don’t have the luxury of taking time off of work when YOU want to.

I’m sorry you can just drive up to a gas station and fill up.

I’m sorry you’ll never know how it feels to pilot your own small craft.

I’m sorry getting into the military is so difficult.

I’m sorry we Americans were predigests towards other races.

I’m sorry we couldn’t see the fact that most all other countries long heritages were responsible in making what we knew as America.

I’m sorry your kids have to enter the work force at such a young age.

I’m sorry you’ll never know what it was like to retire.

I’m sorry real fruits are so hard to find for you.

I’m sorry so many of the animals you read about in your history books are now extinct.

I’m sorry you can’t drink the water without treating it.

I’m sorry about all the air.

I’m sorry you’ll never know what a 100-year-old tree looks like.

I’m sorry your kids will never know what it was like to work at the mall.

I’m sorry about your food.

I’m sorry about your crime rate.

I’m sorry about your health care system.

I’m sorry you will never know what health insurance is.

I’m sorry about all the people that died.

I’m sorry how many people you must live with. But most of all…

I’m sorry I never got a chance to meet you.

Copyright 2006; Commonality Among Indifference


Blogger rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

man that is beautiful, and sad.

2/27/2006 11:38 PM  
Blogger Dorman said...

I’m sorry we didn’t overrun the government of OUR time.

I am trained, ready, and willing.

3/02/2006 3:05 PM  

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