Sunday, April 02, 2006

Volunteerism at it’s best I guess.....

Our baseball league uses the Robert’s Rules of Order do define our basic layout of, for lack of a better word, administration. The term ‘chain of command’ seems fitting. Our program has four leagues, each, historically having no less than three to eight teams. Using the chain as an analogy, when a link fails, all links bellow suffer the failure.

I commission a league, and coach within another. As coach, my commissioner has been, for many weeks, over and over again, dropping the ball. Apparently, writing the schedules for, preparing two fields for, advising for, taking flack for, correcting for and covering for said commissioner has not been enough. After a conversation with her tonight, I have found an issue breaks the chain in a way that could effect up to 30 kids.

I have been on the phone putting out fires for four fucking hours!!!! After a calling in a few favors, all fires are out for this evening, but the true test will come in less then 48 hours.

Oh great…. Now I get to commission two leagues. Just what I fucking wanted, more shit to do!!!!

To friends, count me out for a few more weeks, but Zak will still be my helper. I’ll work it somehow.


Blogger rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

if you are not careful, you will become town sheriff and dogcatcher.

4/04/2006 6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’re a good and loyal American. Please continue to live in fear. Thank you for your support.

4/06/2006 10:33 AM  

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