Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Things are interesting here, to say the least. Northumberland County Food Control central sits just behind my home and things are hopping up there. I stopped up there just about an hour ago to deliver the receipt to the boss for the our pool that was a total loss after their tree basically spit in half and fell on it, as well as my son’s swing set. One of the higher ups there is also an assistant coach within our baseball league. I spoke with him as soon as I walked into the door and he looked and sounded very stressed to say the least.

The national weather service came across the radio today stating that the West branch of the Susquehanna River will reach flood stage tomorrow and will keep rising. Our city is well protected by a series of floodwalls and dikes, and our home sits atop a hill, about as high as you can get inside city limits, so we are just fine. I do fear though, for the local areas that are not as well protected. Many of business along the river, especially the West branch, are in danger, and have been flooded many times before.

I have been listening to the Fire and Emergency channels on an old scanner that I have and it’s going nuts. Trees are being washed out, falling over roadways, all personnel have been called to an ‘on standby’ status about 10 minutes ago, the radar on the weather channel shows nothing but bad and it has been raining cats and dogs for well over 3 hours. My basement only gets water in it (small puddles) when it rains very hard, or when a tree falls on the pool and the entire pull empties. (oh yea, good times, NOT) I have now pulled all the items off of the floor, as the puddle is now a very small pond.

No baseball to be found these days...

The ride to work tomorrow should prove to be interesting.


Blogger Carnealian said...

We have pretty many dykes around here too... .don't know how much protecting they do though. Guess the water is supposed to go down over the next day or so...but yep, more rain in the forecast. Good thing you live on a hill!!

6/29/2006 5:50 AM  

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