Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm not perfect either

Far too many are guilty of judging others to quickly or by their actions in only one setting. I am one of those people. In a post a while back I made a judgment call about one of my son’s wrestling coaches. I am happy to admit that I was wrong. It turns out that his guy is a good coach, in fact, I have nothing but great things to say about the entire coaching staff in general. These guys are great with the kids and knowledgeable to boot.

During our match on Sunday against Selinsgrove, our biggest rival of all, things were very disorganized. After the Varsity kids were done, it was out time on the mat. Matthew and I walked up to the team area. My intention was to drop him off there and walk up to the stands but when we got there, it was a scene of total chaos. I may not know much about wrestling, as I never played the sport, but I do know kids and how to control them. My coaching personality took over and I went into action. Finally, this coach, who I am so wrong about, showed up. Apparently it was only he and one other coach from our team that were able to make it that day. Him and I actually worked well together. I was impressed to no end and would gladly do it again.

It was a nice change to be called Matthew’s dad instead of coach. Yet working with the kids seems to be uni-sport. Although I am at every practice, I have not coached these kids on bit other than helping with an untied shoe to two, but the kids cling to me and trust me non the less. It’s too bad those damn parents can’t get off of there asses long enough to help their own. But, you know what? Part of me would rather have it this way. At least I know I made a difference in some kids lives without wanting something in return for it. I may be in and out without talking to most of these parents, but every damn kid on that team knows my name. That is what matters to me. When I find one of these kids lost in the mall one day, he can walk up to me with feeling comfortable, knowing I will make sure she will be returned to his or her parents safely so they can continue do whatever they do behind those doors.


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