Monday, May 01, 2006


Ah issues, so many issues. Today’s practice turned up a few. Why are people so unwilling to speak to their peers concerning issues within the league? What the hell? These people will sit on the bleachers and talk about other parents and kids, like there very own little soap opera, yet when it comes to speaking to the coach about concerns with there own child, they go behind the scenes and arbitrarily move the kid. Spineless bastards! I am just a volunteer coach. Although I am on the board of directors, and safety officer for the organization, when you boil it down, I am just another parent. Give me a break, when I’m on the fields, I’m down on my knees half the time, reaching out to the kids! How do I become so superior of a person that parents fear me?

To Mr. Dorman… I know I promised to involve your child into my baseball team, and I will. Please understand that I, very literally, have not had the chance to make the arrangements. During the week, I have been on the fields every day. I barely have enough time to throw a sandwich at the kids and take a shower. Plus, I have been leading up this fucking project at work, as I always do, that has been keeping me away from home. I may be a professional and all, but while the Japanese where there today, inspecting all of the instrumentation, I requested Godzilla to be played on our local radio station.

So here is the long and the short of things. My marriage basically fucked, yet not, maybe. I am now qualified as Project Engineer. (been a long time coming) I was offered a job… Conflict of interest to say the least. My team is doing well, but a little more parent support would be nice. Every time I look at my cell phone there is another call from some parent, or coach, or kid, or commissioner.

It feels kind of strange to be so involved in something you love, yet feel so empty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta work through it. When it comes down to it, you are a great person, who works your ass off. Parents are the absolute worst though, sometimes. Spend their time bitching, instead of thinking about the well-being of the kids...

5/02/2006 4:17 PM  
Blogger Dorman said...

no worries re: meine kinder. I appreciate everything you do anyway, more than I could have ever asked for. Glad you called the other night but it was kinda [ahem] a bad time. Get on chat sometime soon, it has been too long since we've bullshitted and I will be home soon.

5/03/2006 11:03 AM  

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