Friday, May 19, 2006

Yea, I know we need the rain!!! Ugh!!

My cell phone started ringing at its usual time, about 2PM. Once I actually got into the city and onto the ball fields, I made the return calls. I worked my ass off yesterday to make two games happen, on my anniversary to boot! It was work, drive, calls, shovel, plow, drag, drag, drag, shower and a fine dinner, all in what seemed to be one shift, four hour motion.

Today’s rain proved to be too much though. Although a fellow coach that had off work drug the fields for me today several times, the field that our team was scheduled to play on was ‘FUBAR’!

Taking this evening off, I snapped a few photos of my son doing his absolute favorite thing in the world, playing with little creatures, in this case, two caterpillars. Unlike my daughter, his is about the outdoorsiest kid you’ll ever meet.


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