Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This town needs an Ænima

If you tend to have a temper, I have the perfect test for you. Imagine yourself in the middle of a field just before 5AM, with no one within 1000 yards, being extremely pissed at another individual all while having a high powered rifle in your hands and having the upper hand by being on the ground and having him blinded by your light, stuck in his tree stand. What would you do? I spent over 2 months viewing this years challenges, over a week tending to the sight and making my scent present, had plainly marked the spot the night before and this stupid bastard took my spot a half hour before I got there. After arguing with him for a short time and realizing that common-courtesy has been long since gone, I simply walked away in the dark, very foggy field in search for a new spot.

Bastard… I should’ve shot’m!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Open Season...

Tomorrow's the big day. I'll be in the field by no later than 5AM, sitting cosy in my chair waiting to ether kill a deer or get shot by some trigger happy asshole who can't take his time. Wish me luck.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


We all are told that Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for what we have. Unfortunately as the days and years past, we are left with less and less to be thankful for, or so it seems. Looking around my life, I am without a doubt, thankful for many things. I have highlighted just a few of them bellow.

I am thankful for:

What freedom we have left…(not much)

My kids…(at least on most days)

A good job that pays well…(and drives me crazy)

My wife…(I guess)

The fact that I have access to a rifle range…(they really need to spend my $50 on the 200 yard range)

Public organized youth sports… (this drives me crazier, yea crazier, it’s my word)

Public schools… (that I must pay for even if my kids don’t attend)

My friend Dean… (who has trouble with his pants these days)

My friend Chuck… (who is not so patiently waiting for my to finish the tailgate to his trailer, and better damn well show up Sunday)

My friend Jeremy…(who is crazier than I was when I was 18, and even better at it)

My ability to work with kids (I wish I could do the same with my own)

My Mother-In-Law…(who cares for my son in my absence, and has more issues than the United States Government)

And last but not least…

My parents…( who I will never understand, EVER)

Have a great Turkey Day! May the tryptophan take effect during the game!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

An updat to the last story...

My son took his son down, hard! YEAA!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Proof that I was right about where change needs to begin…

Sometimes people really get under my skin. Almost daily, someone I come in contact with or have to deal with puts me in a jaw twitching mindset. Having said that, rather than looking at the macro version, a story that is far too true will focus attention to one person.

After leaving this town in a hurry, I basically have seen the world, quite literally, while in the United States Navy. Unfortunately, after I was honorably discharged, I found my way back to the very same small city where I grew up. The side effects of being in such a small environment are painfully obvious. People who I have known since childhood can be found much more closer to my life than I would like. One particular person makes this story so real.

Without any real definition of how I know him as a child, let’s just say this guy is now raising his family in the same low-income housing project that he was raised in, close enough to Edison Elementary School that I walked there after school for a few years until my mother got off of work. The family has always been full of what I choose to plainly call ‘issues’. Looking back, as I had almost forgotten, this guy was famous for striking my out, and also was the guy who almost broke two of my ribs when one of his fastballs hit me. He had a hell of an arm as I recall, striking out most hitters in our league. I justify my existence as a coach by the triple I hit off of him in 5th grade, two days before we left for 5th grade camp.

Today, or more correct to the story, last year, this guy and I coached in the same baseball league. His son was in my son’s class last year as well. He entered his son into the minor division, two divisions shy of high school ball, even though his son was only seven. Yes, our league has well defined age brackets for players, yet he slipped through the cracks in the system. He allegedly had screamed at a player or two for making mistakes during games. This being put out, I looked into him a little. It had turned out that the best job this guy had ever had was an attendant at a local service station, or in today’s terms, ‘petroleum dispensing system’. During this year, he was, and I quote “off of work because of my back”. I blew it off for truth and put it to rest.

This year was a bit different, yet paralleled the last almost perfectly. He was still out of work, and I quote “because of my knee”, and again still a coach of a youth baseball team that he walked from his home, on the far side of Memorial Acres, to the minors field, almost a half mile away. Then coached his team, a physically demanding job at that level to say the least. For the second year in a row, his wife was the team mom. In our league, the team mom is responsible, among other things, to conduct and turn in any moneys collected from, the 50-50 tickets during each home game. This guy, since the first game, was under suspect for, well, let’s call it mishandling funds. After an intense investigation done entirely by volunteers, two of them police offers, no proof was found, nor was the money. He was politely kicked off the advisory board for at least one year. Anyone reading between the lines could have figured out that his lovely wife was the person who mishandled the money, the trouble was, he lied to protect her.

Baseball season is now over and he was removed from the board so I felt comfortable thinking that the only time I will ever have to deal with this family again will be when I find myself shopping at a local dollar store and his wife is the only one at the register. That was what I had planed, but fate took me in another direction. My son started a new sport about a month ago. We signed him up with the high school JV wrestling team. It turns out that not only is this guy’s kid on the same team; he is one of the coaches (or at least Assistant To The Assistant Coach). And to finish putting the icing on the cake, his wife is the team mom. I am not, in any way, helping to coach his team for two reasons. One is that I never wrestled in school so I have no idea what I am doing; And Two because I would like to actually sit back and watch my son in a sport, rather that being so involved that I rarely get a chance to see him. It feels kind of good to just watch. It feels even better to be one of only a hand-full of parents that actually stays to watch their own child rather than just dropping him off.

If there is anything good at all about this add situation it’s this: As I sit and watch this guy help my kid with his form, the guy turns his head to look at me about once every minute or so, and I just stand there staring at him with a smart ass look on my face thinking to myself “that’s right, I’m still here!”

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Friday, November 17, 2006


I found an image the other day on a flicker account and I have since lost my mind and cannot recall where I seen it. It was an image of rusted diamond plated stairs. It was on a flicker account that had hundreds of images. I found it one night while surfing flicker accounts. The symmetry in the image was awesome, with rust lines running perfectly down the diamonds.

Does anyone know where I may find this image? I’d just like to send a link to it.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Tis the season once again.


Stories to come, as time permits.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Making some noise

I have an update for everyone concerning my sons School District/ Classroom issue. Specifically, the beloved lunch lady! Here goes…

This semester’s Parent-Teacher conferences were held last week. Our meeting with my son’s teacher was scheduled for 6 PM. Habitually, I find myself needing to be early for any meeting, this one was no different. As I set outside my sons classroom, I carefully tuned my ears to the conversation being held within, hoping it would somehow be relevant to my current battle with the District. To my surprise, I could hear Spanish dialect. I set and listened patently as a translator helped lead the conversation. Finally they were done and began walking out. There it was within the doorway of the classroom, I had found my little pot of gold. The very child that had been causing this problem, along with his parents, were standing right in front of me. And just behind them was the lovely lunch lady.

As we entered the classroom to speak with his teacher, I began a little mind game with her, hoping to dislodge some information from her. During our seemingly mundane conversation, she left the cat out of the bag.

This lunch lady is only getting paid for three days a week and only at custodial wages. I personally saw her conduct two and was apprised of two other Parent-Teacher conferences that she was asked to be present for. When I was there, it seemed as though she was being pulled from classroom to classroom to help. The school district is using a volunteer out of convenience to deal with an issue that is completely and solely there own responsibility.

Something must be changed here and I plan to start the wave. My disclaimer is this: ‘I am not in any way, looking for personal or family recognition…’ Yet, I promise to make the papers with this. I WILL make a noise, and plan to link any public writings concerning my battle to this blog.

Wish me luck. (I’m gona need it.)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Busy as a one-legged man at an arse-kicking contest

Ok, I’ve been planning my new schedule and I think it just might work.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be reserved for issues related to work, kids, school, homework, family, dinner, youth wrestling and other youth sports. Myday will be exclusively used for any and all issues concerning myself. That’s right, I have added another day to the week. No longer will we have to struggle with this all too small, so-called week we have been given, another 24 hours have been added to make more space.

Wait… Hold on, I have a phone call…

What to you mean I can’t add another day to the week??!! That’s bull-crap and completely unfair!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Full frontal nudity

Full frontal nudity… In a busy bar… With a very good band…

Long story made short is this. Dean mooned me after I made some sort of smart-ass remark. Shortly after, I setup a verbal and visual trap for him where I pulled his pants down to his knees from behind, underwear included.

While I was apologizing to a few women for the event, two of them said they supposedly ‘missed it’.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Funding, Fortune and Failure

A few weeks ago my son’s teacher had informed me that my son was causing problems at school. For a second grade student my son is very smart. Him and I work on times tables to keep his interest in math, knowing that when he gets board, all is lost with him. As smart as his is, he has always been on the immature side. I know he’s only seven years old but responsibility is not at all his strong suit. To insure all the kids’ parents read and review things like homework and reading assignments, everything must be signed on the bottom by a parent. Up to this point, I was getting a bit frustrated because I was writing his teacher notes about his work and home, but she would never reply. This happened a few times and when I asked him if his teacher had seen the note, he said yes, of course.

This act all came to a head when his teacher caught my wife one day when she was dripping him off for school. The next day, the teacher and I had a one on one together after school. It turns out that ALL of the notes I was sending were simply being stuffed into my son’s desk before the teacher had ever gotten a chance to see them. In addition, my son had also stuffed a number of notes into his desk written by his teacher for us to read. Oh. Let’s see what else… He bit his eraser off and spit it onto the floor, spitting again several times (guess he didn’t like the taste), he pushed a classmate, he hit the same classmate, he yanked another out of line for some book function, accidentally scratching him with his pencil, the list seems to go on. The long story made short is we now have a notebook that his teacher writes into everyday with things like homework assignments and issues at school, and we also write into it as well to get questions answered and the like. The notebook has been a huge help because he now knows that nothing can be hidden from us. Problem solved, right? Well…

Yesterday I took the day off of work to be the Grade-Parent for his class’s Halloween party. I must also add that in all 30 plus classrooms, I was the only male Grade-Parent present. Finally, I got a chance to see the atmosphere my kid is in during his day at school. OMG!!! Out of 17 kids, two are ESL students and one severely autistic. I don’t want throw any punches at ESL students, most everyone in this country has origins from somewhere across the globe, but get this; the so called special help with Spanish to English is given to them by, are you ready, (drum roll please) THE LUNCH LADY! A quote from my son’s Principal, explaining this odd situation; “Our District has only one specialist for this type of student and most of her time is spent at the High School where the students are more in need of help due to their age”. Don’t get me wrong here; this particular Cafeteria Facilitator is a wonderful lady! I love her and the kids love her even more, but to employ a lunch lady out of convenience?

One of these kids, we’ll call him Alberto because that’s his name, has a plethora of issues. He would also be the kid who my son was picking on (go figure). Either his parents do not speak and/or read a lick of English, or they just don’t give a shit about his education. He is so far behind on homework assignments and schoolwork that he was not allowed to participate in the school Halloween Parade. Him and the autistic girl had to spend this time at the office. Admittedly, the poor girl had no idea she had missed anything, yet Alberto was somewhat disappointed at first. This emotion did not last long, showing he has grown quite accustom to not being with the others.

My son’s teacher also employs her mother to help with the classroom. This is in addition to the paid Grandparent and the high school student volunteer working almost daily. Obviously this school does not have the capability to handle what has been given to them. Yet, if they do not follow the Federally Mandated letter of the law, they loose their funding. The same funding that does not allow the district enough money to properly school the students! Welcome to my personal view into this Governments failure!

All things being considered, I am actually glad to know that my son’s actions are mostly driven by his school atmosphere and not his home life. I try very hard to be a good parent to him and my daughter, attempting to turn them towards the path that I did not take, making them better then I was and am. I have little pride in what I was in school, yet devote my life to what my kids are. An issue with my daughter last year, and now my son is a total kick in the face. I have worked tremendously hard to get where I am, and happy or not with my personal life, I have overcome obstacles that I am trying my best to remove for my kids. I only wish the school was working in my favor.

God love the Lunch Lady…