Sunday, July 30, 2006

... the old ball game.

We just got home from our trip to see the Williamsport Crosscutters play at Historic Bowman Field . When it comes to baseball, or at least Little League, Williamsport is the king. As for the Cutters, they pretty much suck, but the ball game was a blast non-the less.

Jordan, Matt (M&M), my Matt and John, all had a blast, before and after the game. Our team grandmother (or so I call her) drove us kids, myself included. Another car with the adults trailed not far behind. I was asked to keep the kids in check for the ride. I did so with the usual games like I SPY and WHO HERE HAS EVER…. Once we arrived to the field, we realized that we were and bit too early and the rumor that they would have a bunch of stuff for kids to do outside was proved false. I ended up taking the kids on a small hike around the field, simply for entertainment. Then, after standing in line for what seemed like an hour in the blazing hot sun, the gates finally opened. It was at that point that I let down my guard and had a little bit of fun. “Is that a beer you’re drinking” said one kid? I simply replied “yes”. The kids looked as in disbelief that I would ever do such a thing. One parent said, “he’s old enough, he’s allowed”.

I think the best time was when we got all 5 of us, yelling in unison “We want a batter, not a chicken platter!!!” John, the oldest of the group came back from the bathroom, telling us how loud we were and that he could hear us from “way back there”. No one else seems to mind, as many people around us were all smiles. After all, if you can’t yell at a baseball game, where can you?

It’s getting late and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow at work so I better end it here. Just enjoy the pics.

Oh great! Invariably, blogger’s having issues with uploading pictures again. Guess I’ll have to link them. Damn blogger anyway!!!

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Next year it will be football.

Does anyone remember Kent Bottenfield? If not, let me refresh your memory. He may not have been the best baseball player that ever took to the mound, but he certainly made his mark, not only in major league baseball, but her in our city as well. We just ended a weeklong professional baseball camp directed and sponsored by the one and only Bottenfield. Not only did my son get his glove signed, he got a chance to hit a ball pitched by the guy. It was awesome. All the kids loved it. Plus, I got a chance to actually sit back and watch, that was for the first day or two, until I was recruited to help.
Today, our ‘Team Grandmother’ and I are taking some of this year’s kids to see a Crosscutter’s game. Gota run!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Life; Full Circle In A Small Town

I don’t recall many details of my grade school years. Just some vague moments that stands out, like getting lost while walking to this new babysitter’s home, just a few blocks away. I must have been in 2nd grade. This new babysitter lived in a low-income housing development known as Memorial Acres. This would be the place that I met a new friend, let’s call him Todd. Him and I would end up building a relationship together as friends. I heard many of stories as a kid about how messed up this family was, but as a kid, it goes over your head.

I can recall being in baseball with him in 5th grade. He was on another team and had made a mark as an outstanding pitcher. Every kid feared him when he was on the mound. I can recall hitting a double on one pitch that sent our team for a win. On a side note, this was also the person who hit me with the pitched ball that ruined me. After that, I wanted nothing to do with baseball for years. (hey, I was 10, give me a break)

We broke ties once Middle School started. My life went on into High School, trouble with the law, Engagement, dead girlfriend, Navy, Desert Storm, Thailand and many other countries, out of the service, drunk off my ass, kid out of wedlock, working, another girlfriend that hit me over the head with a beer bottle, engaged, married, kid, then baseball for my son. Well, Todd was a fellow coach, within another division this year. Before this, I have not seen him in years. At the beginning of the season, he was voted in as a board member. He is the one that is now under suspect for stealing money from the league. He allegedly withheld some amount of every game’s 50-50 drawling this year to hold a team party, like he was supposedly told to do by some unknown person, and then spent the money that he was incorrectly withholding to begin with. Guilty or not, his has been living within the very same housing development for years, out of work with “his bad knee”, although he walks over 4000 yards to the complex for his games and has been coaching a team all year.

On the other hand, I have a heel spur that hurts like hell some days, muscular back issues that, on some days, leads me to asking for help to get up and I, on occasion, can not even walk upright, have, in the past, worked three jobs to, post military, put myself through college, and I am presently working a full time job as a shop forman and designer of ten years with the same company. I also have a small business that I operate out of my home, all to supply my family with money. Yet, this ass clown is talking about the town about how his is a coach and a board member of our local Little League Program.

Life, full circle!!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Now what?

Tomorrow and Sunday will be the last kid related function that our baseball league has this year. Although we will be holding a work party to, for lack of a better word, tear down for the year; the season will officially be over. A bunch of us coaches have decided to hold a first time ever Pitcher’s Clinic for the kids that are moving up to the Minor Division next year. This weekend will prove to be a busy one as we also have a birthday-pool party and a team-pool party to attend as well. Plus, I have eight full bags of equipment, plus four more coming tomorrow, to be turned into our equipment manager. Although Pitching is not my forte, I have organized the event and have at least five coaches; all who have pitched at least into high school, helping the kids make this tough transition.

Once things are completely done for the year, I fell somewhat without a purpose. Being involved as I am, within the community, especially for the kids, is my relaxation and therapy. Although my being there for the kids is wonderful for them, and mostly why I choose to put my life on hold for a few months every year, I also get a tremendous amount out of my experience, personally. If only everyone could experience what I have, over the last few years, most people would jump at the chance to volunteer within an organization like this. As good at math as I am, and one of the only things I’m good at, I estimate that I receive close to 123% more than I put into this. To me, that’s a great deal! I just hope I can stay sane within the next eight or so months that I am without a team of kids. I do have monthly board meetings and some fund raisers to attend to, but they do nothing for me. On the fields of smiles is where I belong. Snot, bring your daughter around sometime for a lesson. I have keys to pretty much everything, we can have some fun.

Monday, July 17, 2006

If you’re an asshole, then you’re on your own…

We cannot believe the help we have received. Port-a-potty, Pizza and soda, helping hands, clothes, words of wisdom, it’s great. These people have lived their lives helping everyone they meet, every chance they get. Now that they need the help, they feel bad and don’t want to “bother” everyone. BULLSHIT!!!!! I said one day. You have been so nice for so many years; you deserve everything that these people bring to you. This is what being nice to another brings you, take it, it’s deserved!!!!

Here’s a hint for everyone. If you want something to survive a fire, put it within the pages of a phone book or dictionary.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Why do bad things happen to great people?

Some very dear close friends of mine and former neighbors lost everything within there home of 40 years last night when it caught fire. When I arrived at the farm I found Dave, a man of 55 or so years, sitting across the dirt road from what once was his home. Although, and thankfully everyone escaped safely, all this man had was a cup of coins and a roll of partially burnt $2.00 bills that he had saved in his dresser. The home was totally gone.

Dave and Judy had 4 children, all whom have grandchildren who are formerly or presently involved within our league. Beth’s daughter Madison, whom I have coached for 2 years, was sleeping there along with her brother and sister. Beth was due to be induced into labor this morning with her 4th child. Obviously, this did not happen and although all the stress Beth has gone through, she still has not delivered.

It’s hard for me to look at a structure that I’ve been inside so many times, not be there anymore. I can’t even begin to fathom the feelings that they all have. Although Scott, a fellow coach and fellow high school graduate is taking it well, along with the rest of the family, it just has to be hard. But, that’s what this family is known for, taking life as it is, no matter what. I idolize these people and have learned so much from them.

Beth’s youngest boy said to me “Madison lost her baseball uniform. Look what happened to Pappy’s house.” He is 3 years old as was rushed out last night, along with the rest of the family.

I am presently working on getting a new uniform for Madison. Although she was not there when I was, her little brother told me that she was very upset that she lost it.

I cried a little today.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I'm waisted....

I’ll say only this. From 7:00AM to 11:00PM. Enjoy the pics.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Almost done!!!

Well, ‘tis the season for baseball All-Star games. All games within our division will be played on Saturday. Basically, we asked all coaches to divide all their kids into three skill levels. Then I put all the names into teams, almost aimlessly, except for respect to the level of skill. This made six teams. This was convenient since we have six teams, and six coaches this year. After the teams were constructed, to avoid any possibility of someone assuming ‘the commissioner’ got the good team purposely, we literally pulled all six names out of a hat. The first two got the A kids and so on. I got a B team.

Tonight we scheduled a scrimmage for the A and B division, and C division has theirs yesterday. This meant a whole new set of kids for me to coach. Once you are around the same kids over and over again, you get kind of numb to who is bigger or smaller. I was once again reminded that my son is built like a 7-year-old brick shithouse! He is so large compared to the other kids. He’s not the ‘largest’ per say, but the most muscular and meaty of them all. He’s as tall as some 10 year olds, almost as thick as the little fat kid (sorry), yet not a roll on him. Plus, for the first time since I’ve been doing this, he’s not on my team. I actually was hoping to sit and watch one of his games, for the first time ever. Can you believe that I cannot because I put him in a B bracket I coach his apposing team. Go figure!!!

And now for my small rant!!!! I should not have left the skill level decision totally up to the coaches. What the hell!!! Last night the C kids were much better then today’s B kids. I ended up helping kids with batting skills that should have been taught on day one!!! Again, kudos to my kid who hit every ball pitched to him.

And now for another small rant. This year I have received the following titles, through absolutely no requests from myself: Board Member; Safety Officer; Division Commissioner; Division Co-Commissioner; French Fry Cook; Concession Stand Standby; and Post Season Pitching Clinic Organizer. Oh, I hold one more title; the only one I really care about, Head Coach of a bunch of kids who really need someone to look up to. For another year on a row, my kids love me. THAT is what I want.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Things I Just Don’t Understand…

Have you ever had one of those moments when you sit back and think “Why the hell does that happen?” or “Why the hell did he do that?” I’ve found myself saying this a lot this year. So, in tribute to stupid people, I’ve created a list of things I just don’t get. Here goes.

· Why would someone try to steal fund raising money for a non-profit organization (such as a baseball league)? Is this not the same as taking food right out of his kid’s mouth? And to think that him and I used to play ball together as kids. Freaking looser! I hope memorial acres burns to the ground.

· Why would a person be more concerned about having a winning team than being there as a roll model for the kids? Screaming at the kids when they make a mistake only makes you look like an asshole.

· Why would a person even think about molesting a young girl or boy? This one really confuses me. How can someone look at one of these kids and see nothing but fun and love? Well, I’ll make an exception for that Jordan kid on the Yankees. He’s a total brat! I blame his mother, big time!!!

· Why would someone buy a dog and then pen the poor thing in the back yard, giving it little to no attention. My 90-pound pain in the ass sleeps in my bedroom. My son calls River his brother for god sakes.

· What possesses people to drive up to 15 miles out of their way to save three cense a gallon on gas? I know gas prices are high and all but didn’t you just waist a few more cense than you saved?

· The next time you are driving down a two-lane road, look around. If there’s no cars in front of you and a line of cars behind you THEN YOU ARE DRIVING TOO FREAKING SLOW!!!!! MOVE YOUR ISSUES OFF THE ROAD!!!

· If you have a grandson or granddaughter that you want to see, why do you let someone else that you do not feel uncomfortable around stand in your way. YOUR GRANDCHILD IS THE ONE THAT MISSES YOU AND THAT MAKES IT YOUR FAULT!!!!! PUT YOUR ISSUES ASSIDE FOR A DAY OR SO, WILL YA?

· Why do people want so desperately to get knowledge of other peoples business? If my life got so boring and lonely that I needed to tell everyone I know about what someone else does, please tell me so I can shoot myself because, at that point, I serve absolutely no purpose in this world.

I give up with this because I’m starting to get a little angry. Like the original HULK said, “Please don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”