... the old ball game.
Jordan, Matt (M&M), my Matt and John, all had a blast, before and after the game. Our team grandmother (or so I call her) drove us kids, myself included. Another car with the adults trailed not far behind. I was asked to keep the kids in check for the ride. I did so with the usual games like I SPY and WHO HERE HAS EVER…. Once we arrived to the field, we realized that we were and bit too early and the rumor that they would have a bunch of stuff for kids to do outside was proved false. I ended up taking the kids on a small hike around the field, simply for entertainment. Then, after standing in line for what seemed like an hour in the blazing hot sun, the gates finally opened. It was at that point that I let down my guard and had a little bit of fun. “Is that a beer you’re drinking” said one kid? I simply replied “yes”. The kids looked as in disbelief that I would ever do such a thing. One parent said, “he’s old enough, he’s allowed”.
I think the best time was when we got all 5 of us, yelling in unison “We want a batter, not a chicken platter!!!” John, the oldest of the group came back from the bathroom, telling us how loud we were and that he could hear us from “way back there”. No one else seems to mind, as many people around us were all smiles. After all, if you can’t yell at a baseball game, where can you?
It’s getting late and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow at work so I better end it here. Just enjoy the pics.
Oh great! Invariably, blogger’s having issues with uploading pictures again. Guess I’ll have to link them. Damn blogger anyway!!!