Thursday, September 29, 2005
I do not watch much TV. The wave of "Reality" shows boor me. To quote Denis Leary, Nothing on TV is reality! Having said that, I have been a long fan of only 2 shows: ABC's Alias and FOX's 24. There is now way that Michael Vaughn is dead. Let me make my commitment to this belief official tonight. He will come back at the end of the season and tell of some twisted switch that was made to keep Sydney and her unborn baby safe from what he is uncovering. I live for this show and am sucked into it like a stay at home mom watching her favorite Soap. I even missed the only other show that I love to watch: Engineering Disasters.I'm telling you, he is not dead!!! You can prove me wrong when the time comes.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I am mean!!!
Cool! I wish others could be this involved in parenting……..
Cool! I wish others could be this involved in parenting……..
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
What a day!
A unit scheduled to ship 2 days ago will now sit in our shop and take up precious real estate for at least a week. Port Arthur, TX. has bigger issues to deal with.
Another unit is at least a day behind schedule thus far. That thing has more pipe on it that a Merch Chemical Plant.
One kid sick here and one sick at her mom’s house. I hate to see kids sick. “I don’t feel very good” was the statement my daughter made yesterday. That proved true! My son is puking as well. I guess I will be next. At least my son finds comfort in his mom. That makes me feel good.
Trying to start the newest project here at home. (oh the list is long) This one is going to be costly, but save heating costs in the long run. I am one of those guys that try to do all the work myself. “If I can do this, than I must be able to that!”
Long board meeting tonight at the church. Apparently my board members do not want to participate. Welcome to the world of volunteerism! Yea, I’ll take care of it. No problem! Over 90% of the work is done by less than 10% of the parish.
Now I have more phone calls to make. I am about out of favors owed, and the cache was large.
I was informed tonight that I might be appointed commissioner of our baseball league. This coming from the league president who also doubles as a friend. I should feel proud. But I am stretched a little thin these days.
I was informed that I will be hunting alone this year. I have never gone out alone. One friend has an upcoming surgery and the other………. I will go out lone the less!!!! This is the only time all year that is totally about me. I once hit one at 90+ yards with a 30-30….THANK YOU! That goes back a few. And for you tree huggers out there, I hunt for food. I butcher my own kill and nothing is wasted. Go Go Gadget Bologna stuffer!!!!!!
A unit scheduled to ship 2 days ago will now sit in our shop and take up precious real estate for at least a week. Port Arthur, TX. has bigger issues to deal with.
Another unit is at least a day behind schedule thus far. That thing has more pipe on it that a Merch Chemical Plant.
One kid sick here and one sick at her mom’s house. I hate to see kids sick. “I don’t feel very good” was the statement my daughter made yesterday. That proved true! My son is puking as well. I guess I will be next. At least my son finds comfort in his mom. That makes me feel good.
Trying to start the newest project here at home. (oh the list is long) This one is going to be costly, but save heating costs in the long run. I am one of those guys that try to do all the work myself. “If I can do this, than I must be able to that!”
Long board meeting tonight at the church. Apparently my board members do not want to participate. Welcome to the world of volunteerism! Yea, I’ll take care of it. No problem! Over 90% of the work is done by less than 10% of the parish.
Now I have more phone calls to make. I am about out of favors owed, and the cache was large.
I was informed tonight that I might be appointed commissioner of our baseball league. This coming from the league president who also doubles as a friend. I should feel proud. But I am stretched a little thin these days.
I was informed that I will be hunting alone this year. I have never gone out alone. One friend has an upcoming surgery and the other………. I will go out lone the less!!!! This is the only time all year that is totally about me. I once hit one at 90+ yards with a 30-30….THANK YOU! That goes back a few. And for you tree huggers out there, I hunt for food. I butcher my own kill and nothing is wasted. Go Go Gadget Bologna stuffer!!!!!!
Wish list....
This WAS going to be a good update, but not today I guess.
I wish life would just slow down, let's keep it at that for now!
I wish life would just slow down, let's keep it at that for now!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Vacation Part 2
We were shopping on Atlantic Ave. on our last night. My son is going through this “I want it all” stage. Going shopping with him is horrible. He gets mad and we argue about why he can’t buy everything in the store. So then we came across an idea. I told him that we could buy something that would last a long time and not get thrown into his toy box only to be forgotten or broke.
There, in the front of the store they were. Hermit Crabs. Just waiting for a buyer. One crab, cage, and sponge later, we are on our way back to the motel. My son has been around animals since he was born. First it was Pete the rabbit and Max the dog. Both have been put down and buried out back. Max has been replaced by an obnoxious golden as you have seen on this blog before. But we never had one of these things. My daughter has some at her mom’s house, but this was new to us.
He held this cage in his lap for most of our 7-hour ride home. He spoke to this crap as if it was his new best friend. After we got home and unpacked is where it happened. I heard him talking and walking around the house. I was busy doing something and did not pick up on it rate away. Here, he was taking this crab through every room in our house and showing it off to him. “Here is our kitchen. Here is where I sit for lunch. Here is the computer.” This poor crab was getting a guided tour of his new home. This went on for at least an hour. Kids!
I’m still not sure what his name is. It keeps changing. Hermie, Mr. Krabs, Krabby Pattie. It’s actually pretty cool to watch this thing eat.
Well, I think we found something that will last and not end up in the bone yard of toys. At least until the thing goes “tits up”.
There, in the front of the store they were. Hermit Crabs. Just waiting for a buyer. One crab, cage, and sponge later, we are on our way back to the motel. My son has been around animals since he was born. First it was Pete the rabbit and Max the dog. Both have been put down and buried out back. Max has been replaced by an obnoxious golden as you have seen on this blog before. But we never had one of these things. My daughter has some at her mom’s house, but this was new to us.
He held this cage in his lap for most of our 7-hour ride home. He spoke to this crap as if it was his new best friend. After we got home and unpacked is where it happened. I heard him talking and walking around the house. I was busy doing something and did not pick up on it rate away. Here, he was taking this crab through every room in our house and showing it off to him. “Here is our kitchen. Here is where I sit for lunch. Here is the computer.” This poor crab was getting a guided tour of his new home. This went on for at least an hour. Kids!
I’m still not sure what his name is. It keeps changing. Hermie, Mr. Krabs, Krabby Pattie. It’s actually pretty cool to watch this thing eat.
Well, I think we found something that will last and not end up in the bone yard of toys. At least until the thing goes “tits up”.
Friday, September 23, 2005
I have been told that I have everything. More than one person has said this. Why do I fail to see it.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Vacation Part 1
Typical for me, I will break free from the norm and start with our last day. We stopped at Norfolk VA. To visit the USS Wisconsin. As posted before, I am EX-Navy and a Desert Storm Vet. My tour summed up briefly was just over 9 months in the Persian Gulf, times 2 Long story! During the "Gulf War", two Battle Ships were recommissioned (for the third time), The
USS Missouri and the USS Wisconsin. Both of these Iowa Class Ships would cost an estimated $1Million per day to operate.
I was bounced around during my first tour and seen many countries in the Middle East. The ship I was formally attached to was the USS Ford FFG-54. We were attached to the Missouri battle group. At one point, both of these Battle Ships were together getting stores replenished by another ship I was TAD (temporary active duty) to, the USS Niagara Falls. The image I have scanned of the Missouri is an actaul photo of the very last time she ever shot her guns. I have scanned some old pictures I had taken with my crapy old 35MM camera back in "the day".
These historical ships are now decommission forever and have become part of our history. Being on this ship and talking to some of the guides really brought memmories back.Both good and bad. From the other branches of the military it seems as though us sailors had it good. I some respects we did. Hot meals, a rack to sleep on, long stays at ports for liberty. I have many so stories that intrigue some and bore others. But life on board a ship is not as you may think. I can remember being awake for 3+ days at a time. Working down in the machinery rooms without sunlight or “real” air for hours if not days.
I was qualified up to damage control repair 5 investigator. When the ship goes to General Quarters, I was the guy to locate, access, report and repair if need be any major issue with the ship. I can remember, on many occasions, just falling asleep after a 20 hour day and hearing the screeching sound on the 1MC. (1MC is the term for the shipboard intercom on US Navy vessels)
Having your life shared with others without any sort of privacy at all is not something I wish on others. ALL of your stuff is confined to your under rack (bed) locker, a stand up locker and whatever space you can bribe from others. Luckily, I was also qualified as the master Oil King.
Oil King Description: The "Oil King" was the dude in charge of the some 200,000 gallons of black oil (NSFO) we carried in about twenty different tanks, including four "ready service" tanks (two forward and two aft) and three amidships tanks that we rarely tapped. Also in charge of all potable water. The OIL KING had watch stander's liberty both underway and in port and an open gangway under most circumstances, mostly due to the long hours and high responsibility needed for this watch station. According to some "BUPERS" (Bureau of Personnel) manning document, on a Frig it was supposed to be an E-7 position during wartime, E-6 during peacetime. I had my own little shack with laboratory equipment and had to test feed water quality and fuel oil quality on a regular basis (several times a day on feed water). We had two fuel oil transfer pumps which I or my assistant used every few hours to move oil around from storage tanks to the service tanks to keep the ship on an even keel.
Ok, on with the pictures................

More to come I hope!
USS Missouri and the USS Wisconsin. Both of these Iowa Class Ships would cost an estimated $1Million per day to operate.
I was bounced around during my first tour and seen many countries in the Middle East. The ship I was formally attached to was the USS Ford FFG-54. We were attached to the Missouri battle group. At one point, both of these Battle Ships were together getting stores replenished by another ship I was TAD (temporary active duty) to, the USS Niagara Falls. The image I have scanned of the Missouri is an actaul photo of the very last time she ever shot her guns. I have scanned some old pictures I had taken with my crapy old 35MM camera back in "the day".
These historical ships are now decommission forever and have become part of our history. Being on this ship and talking to some of the guides really brought memmories back.Both good and bad. From the other branches of the military it seems as though us sailors had it good. I some respects we did. Hot meals, a rack to sleep on, long stays at ports for liberty. I have many so stories that intrigue some and bore others. But life on board a ship is not as you may think. I can remember being awake for 3+ days at a time. Working down in the machinery rooms without sunlight or “real” air for hours if not days.
I was qualified up to damage control repair 5 investigator. When the ship goes to General Quarters, I was the guy to locate, access, report and repair if need be any major issue with the ship. I can remember, on many occasions, just falling asleep after a 20 hour day and hearing the screeching sound on the 1MC. (1MC is the term for the shipboard intercom on US Navy vessels)
Having your life shared with others without any sort of privacy at all is not something I wish on others. ALL of your stuff is confined to your under rack (bed) locker, a stand up locker and whatever space you can bribe from others. Luckily, I was also qualified as the master Oil King.
Oil King Description: The "Oil King" was the dude in charge of the some 200,000 gallons of black oil (NSFO) we carried in about twenty different tanks, including four "ready service" tanks (two forward and two aft) and three amidships tanks that we rarely tapped. Also in charge of all potable water. The OIL KING had watch stander's liberty both underway and in port and an open gangway under most circumstances, mostly due to the long hours and high responsibility needed for this watch station. According to some "BUPERS" (Bureau of Personnel) manning document, on a Frig it was supposed to be an E-7 position during wartime, E-6 during peacetime. I had my own little shack with laboratory equipment and had to test feed water quality and fuel oil quality on a regular basis (several times a day on feed water). We had two fuel oil transfer pumps which I or my assistant used every few hours to move oil around from storage tanks to the service tanks to keep the ship on an even keel.
Ok, on with the pictures................

More to come I hope!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Home at Last
We arrived home late tonight from a very busy, and at times not so busy vacation. I suspect that most people go on vacation to sit and do absolutely nothing. I can not do this. I must go and see, touch, taste, feel, smell, do....... We got home much later than planned due to a few detours, and kind of getting lost in downtown Norfolk on one of them.
Anyway, I have much to tell and many interesting stories to write about, but the day is all but gone. Let's just stick with the highlight of MY vacation. Someone asked me weeks ago why I went so late in the year. NAS OCEANA Baby!! I am a Naval veteran of Desert Storm. My rate was GSM I have a love of Naval Aviation since I was 12. My ship.... well, that is a story for another day. Let's just say I am very comfortable around F-*** aircraft. Almost to the point of boredom. Finally, I got a chance to see these guys up close!! I love U.S. military history (sorry for being so exclusive), and aviation history. Growing up, I SO wanted to be a pilot. Maybe if I had applied myself in High School instead of running around with my friends, I could have been. I do have better than 20/20 vision. I am just too dumb I guess. Maybe this will become a future challenge. Maybe I can someday fly a Piper 6 like my uncle.
This update was to be short and sweet. I got carried away I guess. More to come.
I need a real better camera!!!
Anyway, I have much to tell and many interesting stories to write about, but the day is all but gone. Let's just stick with the highlight of MY vacation. Someone asked me weeks ago why I went so late in the year. NAS OCEANA Baby!! I am a Naval veteran of Desert Storm. My rate was GSM I have a love of Naval Aviation since I was 12. My ship.... well, that is a story for another day. Let's just say I am very comfortable around F-*** aircraft. Almost to the point of boredom. Finally, I got a chance to see these guys up close!! I love U.S. military history (sorry for being so exclusive), and aviation history. Growing up, I SO wanted to be a pilot. Maybe if I had applied myself in High School instead of running around with my friends, I could have been. I do have better than 20/20 vision. I am just too dumb I guess. Maybe this will become a future challenge. Maybe I can someday fly a Piper 6 like my uncle.
This update was to be short and sweet. I got carried away I guess. More to come.
I need a real better camera!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
4 days of Ophelia
Well, I have a lot of feelings running deep in our country’s current situation. I also have my own demons to fight off day by day. On this note, I tell you all that I am going on vacation. I am leaving this place without the internet, blogs, work, email, committees, board members, music, phone calls, advice, eBay, the dog, other people’s needs, meetings, one child (she is going on her own vacation with HER mom [yuck!], although she would rather “be with dad”) and cell phones. Well, I might take mine to check on my dog, as he will be with my mother-in-law. I don’t know who to pity more, my dog, or her!!! I have to add this. If my family was in danger and the proverbial ‘hell on earth’ was here, much like what is current... just read...
Sunday, September 11, 2005
My life these days...
My life these days. Hummmm, sounds a little narcissistic. Well, let's just say it has been
the proverbial roller coaster. But, the biggest one ever!! From 5000 feet to below sea level.
I have come to realize that I have much to be thankful for. I have more than what most people have.
Maybe the reason why I am unhappy is because of myself. Maybe it's just me. I tend to give and give and get nothing in return, or so it seems.
Maybe I just need to rebuild myself as some others around me are.
Having said this, I have made a little sound bite if you will. Something I cut from a favorite comedian of mine. This kid of hits home for me during my time of despair.
Here it is: Please do not let the kids hear this as it contains really bad fucking language! :-)
the proverbial roller coaster. But, the biggest one ever!! From 5000 feet to below sea level.
I have come to realize that I have much to be thankful for. I have more than what most people have.
Maybe the reason why I am unhappy is because of myself. Maybe it's just me. I tend to give and give and get nothing in return, or so it seems.
Maybe I just need to rebuild myself as some others around me are.
Having said this, I have made a little sound bite if you will. Something I cut from a favorite comedian of mine. This kid of hits home for me during my time of despair.
Here it is: Please do not let the kids hear this as it contains really bad fucking language! :-)
Friday, September 09, 2005
I have not updated in a while because I have been very busy. I have even fallen behind on a favor I promised a friend and his kids. I must take care of that tomorrow!!
Work…. Paint….. Exercise….(me time) Watch kid(s)……. Meetings…… Bring work more work home…… It never ends! Oh what the heck, let’s write something.
Some time ago, Carnealian had stated that my dog looked possessed in the picture I had posted. This was mostly due to the camera, but also due to his eye being abnormal.
When “river” was a puppy in his littler, his left eye was damaged. Most likely from his mother picking him up wrong and mistakenly piercing his eye with her tooth. Basically, his left eye is unusable. But, he doesn’t let it slow him down. You may never even know it. If you know dogs as well as I do, you know that a dog’s primary sense is its nose. Dogs use their nose as we use our eyes.
The only time you would notice is when we are throwing balls at the local cemetery. He will lose the balls to the left, but will find them eventually with his nose.
Boring story, but at least I wrote…………..
Work…. Paint….. Exercise….(me time) Watch kid(s)……. Meetings…… Bring work more work home…… It never ends! Oh what the heck, let’s write something.
Some time ago, Carnealian had stated that my dog looked possessed in the picture I had posted. This was mostly due to the camera, but also due to his eye being abnormal.
When “river” was a puppy in his littler, his left eye was damaged. Most likely from his mother picking him up wrong and mistakenly piercing his eye with her tooth. Basically, his left eye is unusable. But, he doesn’t let it slow him down. You may never even know it. If you know dogs as well as I do, you know that a dog’s primary sense is its nose. Dogs use their nose as we use our eyes.
The only time you would notice is when we are throwing balls at the local cemetery. He will lose the balls to the left, but will find them eventually with his nose.
Boring story, but at least I wrote…………..
Friday, September 02, 2005
My view
For the last few days, I have been glued to the boob tube and the radio. I am riveted by what I have seen and heard thus far. This is a scene of chaos and despair. Humanity and generosity. I am overwhelmed with desire to go down to the Gulf Coast and help any way I can. But I can’t. I am a giving person by nature. I give to my community where I can. But helpless is what I feel in this time of need. So I will choose to be a bit of a hypocrite and pick apart what I see, as I see it. I will do this over the next hour of 2 as I see it on TV. I now it’s wrong in some lights, but I need to do it. It’s either this or yell at the TV. Ok, here goes………………………………………
A quote from the press: “Ray Nagin: You’re no Rudy Guiliani”. I agree. Stop bitching to the press and get down there, in YOUR city and help YOUR people. You look might clean and dry!!! Help is coming, but it is slow for several reasons. Stop yelling and get to work. Get your ass on one of those boats, with a loud speaker in hand and tell the people what to do. They don’t know what to do. Tell them and give them some personal reassurance that help is coming. From a political standpoint get dirty
Giraldo Rivera made it from New York to the Convention Center in New Orleans. He gave, as he is known for, a very emotional report on the conditions there. I commend him for getting into the “trenches” and doing exponentially more that the average would. “Let them out” he said. But I ask this: What did he bring with him? Any water or food or toiletries or INFORMATION? He got in. Here’s a hint Giraldo: Just march them out! Take charge (because the on scene management seems to be failing) and march those people over the bridge. Find people in the building who seems competent to be leaders and appoint them to help. Break them into groups and just cross the bridge. Mass numbers of very pissed off people will not be stopped.
To the kid who stole the school but to help people move: GOD BLESS YOU! This is a perfect example of one who can think under pressure. Doing what seems wrong under normal conditions and sticking you’re neck out to help the fellow man is what this country needs more of. They should make YOU Mayor!!!
The reaction of the relief effort, particularly in the national level is disappointing to people. Much of the victims are on day 5 without seeing anyone from outside the area. The president and others are under political attack. The president has said himself that his is less than pleased with the reaction. No shit!!!!!! What the hell do you expect? We are stretched close to our limits. National Guard units are being in other areas of the world. Just the name National Guard assumes that their job is to guard OUR nation. Much of these people are everyday workers. Assume that you are in the National Guard and working an every day job as a welder, or a fork lift operator, or a HVAC contractor ( a close friend is one). How long would it take you to pack up and leave everything? Plus, our nation has not faced a national disaster of the magnitude for generations. 9-11 was different on many levels.
I am watching video of people being air lifted into helicopters being pulled out of the mess. Yes, I am watching the show, but my military experience defaults here. Why are the cameraman allowed on board? Helicopters (birds) have a limited space and weight. The cameraman is getting in the way and taking up space and weight. To the media, just get out of the way. Cover the situation from on the ground.
Why didn’t the people leave? They never have in the past! A close friend at work (fellow military) who was stationed there for years tells me this: The people of New Orleans have held Hurricane Parties! Over the years, this has become a “Cry wolf” story. Many oh many of these storms have come in and never gave the people major trouble. “Close the doors and wait it out” has been the norm for many, many years.
Shootings and rapes have been reported in the Convention Center. Duaaa! Take a mass of people, who have been undereducated in what may be the nations worse educational system and put them together like rats in a cage for days without food or water. Need I say more?
Oh course we were slow getting down there. We have never done this before. We have a hurricane template if you will. We go down there to fix power lines and clean up the mess. The situation is exponentially different.
More to come, I hope!
A quote from the press: “Ray Nagin: You’re no Rudy Guiliani”. I agree. Stop bitching to the press and get down there, in YOUR city and help YOUR people. You look might clean and dry!!! Help is coming, but it is slow for several reasons. Stop yelling and get to work. Get your ass on one of those boats, with a loud speaker in hand and tell the people what to do. They don’t know what to do. Tell them and give them some personal reassurance that help is coming. From a political standpoint get dirty
Giraldo Rivera made it from New York to the Convention Center in New Orleans. He gave, as he is known for, a very emotional report on the conditions there. I commend him for getting into the “trenches” and doing exponentially more that the average would. “Let them out” he said. But I ask this: What did he bring with him? Any water or food or toiletries or INFORMATION? He got in. Here’s a hint Giraldo: Just march them out! Take charge (because the on scene management seems to be failing) and march those people over the bridge. Find people in the building who seems competent to be leaders and appoint them to help. Break them into groups and just cross the bridge. Mass numbers of very pissed off people will not be stopped.
To the kid who stole the school but to help people move: GOD BLESS YOU! This is a perfect example of one who can think under pressure. Doing what seems wrong under normal conditions and sticking you’re neck out to help the fellow man is what this country needs more of. They should make YOU Mayor!!!
The reaction of the relief effort, particularly in the national level is disappointing to people. Much of the victims are on day 5 without seeing anyone from outside the area. The president and others are under political attack. The president has said himself that his is less than pleased with the reaction. No shit!!!!!! What the hell do you expect? We are stretched close to our limits. National Guard units are being in other areas of the world. Just the name National Guard assumes that their job is to guard OUR nation. Much of these people are everyday workers. Assume that you are in the National Guard and working an every day job as a welder, or a fork lift operator, or a HVAC contractor ( a close friend is one). How long would it take you to pack up and leave everything? Plus, our nation has not faced a national disaster of the magnitude for generations. 9-11 was different on many levels.
I am watching video of people being air lifted into helicopters being pulled out of the mess. Yes, I am watching the show, but my military experience defaults here. Why are the cameraman allowed on board? Helicopters (birds) have a limited space and weight. The cameraman is getting in the way and taking up space and weight. To the media, just get out of the way. Cover the situation from on the ground.
Why didn’t the people leave? They never have in the past! A close friend at work (fellow military) who was stationed there for years tells me this: The people of New Orleans have held Hurricane Parties! Over the years, this has become a “Cry wolf” story. Many oh many of these storms have come in and never gave the people major trouble. “Close the doors and wait it out” has been the norm for many, many years.
Shootings and rapes have been reported in the Convention Center. Duaaa! Take a mass of people, who have been undereducated in what may be the nations worse educational system and put them together like rats in a cage for days without food or water. Need I say more?
Oh course we were slow getting down there. We have never done this before. We have a hurricane template if you will. We go down there to fix power lines and clean up the mess. The situation is exponentially different.
More to come, I hope!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Enough already!
New Orleans, if not the country as a whole has suffered a great tragedy. My heart goes out to everyone affected in this time of crisis. And I am also deeply saddened by the unjust actions people are choosing to take. Looting and price gouging at such a time is inexcusable. But, I have a comparison to make about this current situation with oil prices.
The major oil companies in the U.S. have, for several years, made record profits . With this current situation at hand, the prices at the pumps are at a record high. This obviously spells yet more profits, at least in the short term. The major oil companies (mac) have the ability to “step in” and keep the prices lower. I understand that economics and logistics are the cause of this crisis, but look at how they will benefit from the disaster. Is this not a form of price gouging on a major scale? The mac in the U.S. have the ball in their court and choose to sit back and let me America people get raped.
I am not a market analyst. I am not a politician. I am not an economic expert. But I do know that the mac have the power, if they so choose to use it, to make a change in the market. Basically, in layman’s terms, to step up and say “Let the prices at the pumps stay where they are. We need no more!” Not taking action here is no different, imho, than boating down the streets of New Orleans selling bags of ice for $10.00.
Things are going to get worse, if something is not done. Everything in the U.S. is shipped in some way, shape, or form. Everything!!! At work, our vendors have been adding a fuel surcharge for months. Bread is shipped. Milk is shipped. Fuel, is shipped. The domino effect that could ensue is overwhelming to say the least. People are already making a choice between buying heating oil for their homes, or paying bills.
I will admit that the average American has become spoiled. We use a tremendous amount of oil. And we are stretching our current supplies thin . I for one drive about 12 miles to work alone in my truck. I do not carpool. I can’t as I am the only one who works at my company who lives in my area. Us Americans may have to start adjusting our lives make things better. Freedom has its costs. But the mac will sit back and enjoy the newly found profits while the rest of us find ways to cope.
Finally, one last note. I offer my services to one and all as a marksman. My 30.06 and I are waiting for the call to clean the areas effected of looters. Free of charge, of course. I say this as I load up my 12 gauge for this years skeet shoot. I am not an author by any means. But, well, just trust me………
The major oil companies in the U.S. have, for several years, made record profits . With this current situation at hand, the prices at the pumps are at a record high. This obviously spells yet more profits, at least in the short term. The major oil companies (mac) have the ability to “step in” and keep the prices lower. I understand that economics and logistics are the cause of this crisis, but look at how they will benefit from the disaster. Is this not a form of price gouging on a major scale? The mac in the U.S. have the ball in their court and choose to sit back and let me America people get raped.
I am not a market analyst. I am not a politician. I am not an economic expert. But I do know that the mac have the power, if they so choose to use it, to make a change in the market. Basically, in layman’s terms, to step up and say “Let the prices at the pumps stay where they are. We need no more!” Not taking action here is no different, imho, than boating down the streets of New Orleans selling bags of ice for $10.00.
Things are going to get worse, if something is not done. Everything in the U.S. is shipped in some way, shape, or form. Everything!!! At work, our vendors have been adding a fuel surcharge for months. Bread is shipped. Milk is shipped. Fuel, is shipped. The domino effect that could ensue is overwhelming to say the least. People are already making a choice between buying heating oil for their homes, or paying bills.
I will admit that the average American has become spoiled. We use a tremendous amount of oil. And we are stretching our current supplies thin . I for one drive about 12 miles to work alone in my truck. I do not carpool. I can’t as I am the only one who works at my company who lives in my area. Us Americans may have to start adjusting our lives make things better. Freedom has its costs. But the mac will sit back and enjoy the newly found profits while the rest of us find ways to cope.
Finally, one last note. I offer my services to one and all as a marksman. My 30.06 and I are waiting for the call to clean the areas effected of looters. Free of charge, of course. I say this as I load up my 12 gauge for this years skeet shoot. I am not an author by any means. But, well, just trust me………