Saturday, December 31, 2005

Opening the shell

Christmas 2005 has now come and gone. Although I was physically here for it all, I still kind of missed it. As 2006 is upon us, we must press on. While driving the other day, I saw a marquee with a saying on it that I cannot stop thinking about. It said, “Enjoy life, you have no idea how late it is”. To me, this message was powerful. In only a few short words, this message said so much! It speaks volumes about today’s world and our own situations in it all. To me it means “get over your little pathetic unhappiness and find your bigger purpose in life. There’s work to be done!”

On this New Years Eve I have made a resolution to myself. As I sit here typing, drinking Cherry Vodka and Coke (ok, Pepsi), I make this promise to myself. I will work on making life happier here without changing anything for the kids except what would be for the better. I must do this. Before I know it the 2006 baseball season will be here. Once again there will be another group of kids who will come to us looking to baseball, but will leave getting not only knowledge of the sport, but life and happiness as well. I am not great at many things, but I have a gift with kids. I can connect with them in a way only a few others can. This is not from my own observation, but from my peers. I am without the capacity to believe in myself that highly.

As I sit here jamming to Stone Temple Pilots; Purple, many memories are flowing through me. Fond memories, and not so nice ones as well, are filling my mind. In 3 days I will be 36 years old. Due to my workplace updating our entire electrical system for some major upcoming projects, I will have off that day. My wife has planed a birthday party for me. Pizza, Cake, kids and a few others will be a local Pizza shop. The owner is a friend of mine so I have to be nice. An adult birthday party is being planed for me the following weekend where I don’t have to be so nice. You better be there Carn! And you too Dorman, get your ass home here!

Damn the Cherry Vodka is going down smooth. And look, My son's hermit crab has a new home!

Thursday, December 29, 2005


I have been doing a lot of thinking in the fast few months, maybe even years. How my life has changed in the 35 years (almost 36, my Birthday is next week). My thoughts take me back to simpler times. Before child support hearings, custody fights, family issues, bills, neglected kids, sadness, discontent, pain and much more. Back to a time when my worse worry was how pissed Bill’s mom was going to be when I came over again. I was the root of all evil to her. She chased me out of her house with a baseball bat once. (Sweet!!)

I can remember times when the ‘Packer Street’ cemetery was used as a hiding stop, or gathering point when we were into some trouble as kids. The cemetery has not changed but in a few little ways, but it’s use for me has. It has been converted into a dog walking, kid bike riding, finding yourself place.

The area once called the humps (that was one name) is now being converted into a wildlife observation area for the local school district. I rode my bike on the old train road many times this summer, again trying to find myself I guess.
Life is what it is. Things will change yet somehow stay the same. We will make friends, and make enemies. Now I find myself trying to mold kids into what society will expect them to be. No matter what happens in my life, I will still coach another baseball team full of kids next summer. This is my little donation to them, and to the world we will live in someday.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

I'd like to wish one and all a Merry Christmas.
Have you ever thought about what you like most about Christmas? Most specifically, what are you thankful for during Christmas?
I choose Old Bay Seasoning!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Out To Lunch

Some personal issues have prevented me from bloging lately. In this time of unrest, nothing seems normal. Today I had one of those little moments of happiness. I was preparing to install my CD player into my truck. I have had this player, and speakers, sitting around for years waiting to be installed. I just never got around to it. I was afraid that it would not work after it was sitting around for at least 3 or 4 years. When I powered it up, out popped a CD. It was Queensryche; Empire. I thought I had lost that album years ago. Here it was in the player the whole time. You may step into my mind by going to the link and clicking on the video link next to 8. Silent Lucidity.


Friday, December 16, 2005

"One word"


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Just some fun

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Time out from life!!!!

Today was scheduled to be a slightly boring day. Then the plans changes, as plans always do. Soon it was just both kids and I. Hmmmm. What can we do? Hmmmmm.

Well, lets see. There’s snow on the ground, a large hill behind my house, sleds in the cellar and plenty of clothing in the closets. LET’S GO KIDS, UNSCHEDUALED FUN COMING!!!

But wait, all is not as it seems. There is a very large tree in my yard, directly in our path. Oh, then there’s the road, and the bushes, and amazingly enough, even the house ended up being an obstacle. Some would say that this scenario is dangerous. I say it’s called a time to refine your sled riding skills.

So off we go. Two plastic sleds and two tubes. The sleds go well in the snow, but after the track is put into the hill, the tubes are the shit baby! I found myself catching a kid or two before we finally found the correct angle. Oh, that tree is hard.

In our typical faction, we added a jump at the bottom of the hill. What fun would it be without one? Trouble was, we couldn’t find the correct way to go down the hill, hit the jump and avoid the tree. I stayed at the bottom of the hell catching the kids before they spattered gray matter in the bark.

Then, finally, after trying over and over, we found it, the perfect track to make it into the yard. This is when we realized the house was in the way. No one hit it head on, but me. Ouch, that hurt…….
All in good fun. The day is now over and work is calling. Back to reality!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

This just in......

This was sent to me via email from a friend who doesn't blog. I think it deserves some air time!!

The National Environmental Trust distributed custom-printed noise-making rubber Whoopee Cushions printed with a caricature of President Bush and the words "Emissions Accomplished."

Ahhh, the silence!

Ok, my day is done. As I wait for my wife and kids to return from Christmas Village, I can now sit here in front of the computer and read. I was kind of planning to go along on the trek with them, but I got suckered into playing a Shepherd in tonight’s Christmas Cantata at the church. At least I didn’t have to speak. As we waited for our entrance time, I was joking about messing up the plan. In traditional form, both of us shepherds had staffs. My evil plan was for both of us, once ‘front and center’, to turn our staffs into light sabers and play out the Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker fight from Star Wars. After some near tearful laughs about the idea, we concluded that the music director, who also doubles as my music teacher in middle school, would have a heart attack on sight.

I got all of my hunting cloths out of my truck and back into their proper place until next year. Well ok, maybe not completely put away, but at least out of the truck and into the house.

I have determined that my dog cannot survive without having the kid(s) around. He has been doing nothing walking around the house looking for kids. He has even gone into my son’s bedroom and cried like he wanted out. My daughter will be dropped off at her moms on the way home, so the dog will have to survive with just one kid.

Lazy yet obnoxious dog for sale! Any bidders?

Game Over

Deer Rifle Season 2005 has drawn to a close. This year's score: Deer-3 Hunter-0.

Last night I was up in the field after work. Someone was target practicing (or maybe slottering) down in the posters. What kind of idiot does that? "You have all year long to do what you want, but during the two weeks of rifle season, shut the hell up will ya!!!" I guess the good news is there are deer up there. Last night when I was up, I was alone and the only 'thing' up there making tracks. Today, the newly fallen snow is filled with dear tracks. As I was walking through the field, I was trying to count how many tracks went up (south to north) the field from the tree-line between the fields, to the posters. I lost track at 30 or so. I could see many areas where the overnight, the deer had moved away snow to find food.

I really only got maybe 3 good days up there this year. Hopefully next year, I will find the time to go up there, in the field, where I love to be.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Oh yea!

Snow baby! 8+ inches worth. I live for this, but I don't even know why. I have only tried to snow ski once. Although I loved the experience, I fell many times. I once was an avid waterskier, thanks to a once close, now lost friend named Jay. I had trouble teaching myself to ski on snow, going downhill. Using your own inertia to go forward, downhill, rather than using the resistance of water to your advantage was a whole new world for me. I even had an instructor. I sucked! On day, maybe after I overcome all of life’s current challenges, I will try again.

So why do I live for snow? Maybe it has some childhood connection. I am living (most unfortunately) in the same area where I grew up. I can remember fond memories of my parents taking my sister and I out in the snow. Thinking back to better times, I can recall a year when the snow was so deep that my cousin and I were jumping of his second story deck, into the white stuff. During the winter of ‘95/’96, I has dug a virtual tunnel, over 4 feet high, though the backyard to keep the walkway the cars open.

Some forecasters predict much snow for area this winter. I can only hope. I won a bet today at work after I perched my truck onto the top of a snow pile, plowed from the parking lot. Say what you want about American vehicles, but the little ‘ol Toyota has got some shit!!!!

Dude, wanta try to get stuck while your home?????????????????

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It's all good!!!

I haven't updated this blog lately because I've been working on this project.

Check it out.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

This is serious stuff!!!

Today there is an issue that I can't stop thinking about. Something so important that it leaves all other subject in it's shadow. One item in today's world that stands out so bold that nothing can make me forget it! What could this be? There are so many issues and topics to discuss in today's world that it may be hard to find.

What about the threat of terrorism on U.S. soil? This topic is huge and real. This is something that we need to keep in our minds. After 9/11, the threat is very real. But, that's not it.

What about Christmas and all that comes with it this time of year? Well, this may be close in some respects, but not directly. All the holiday 'cheer' that we are subjected to this time of year makes me want to puke! I mean, who the hell is truly that freaking happy, anyway?

Is it maybe Iraq and our so called "War On Terror"? This item is huge and seem to be the topic of discussion on many blogs. You can't even turn on the TV today without seeing images and stories of our troops. This is big for me because my friend Dorman has been over there for a year and will be coming home very soon. This leads into yet another huge item on my plate, the fact that Dean is soon to be here, with his kids, parents, dogs and friends. I can't wait until I see him and to know that he is once again united with his family. Plus, actually having those winds and beers that we talk about will be nice too. But, for at least a few hours, this very important item must take a step to the side.

So what could possibly be so big that it makes it's way on my shelf, in front of all the other items of the day? Are you ready?..................................

Today, we woke up to an inch of snow on the ground and my son wants to go play in it!

Friday, December 02, 2005

It's Friday.....

Sometimes I find myself scanning other blogs, ones that I haven't read yet. I have come to a conclusion: Either I can not write a decent blog to save my life, or other people take allot more time to review their posts submitting them. It's probably the first one. Now that I have come to this conclusion, I just start taking my time and writing professionally. (I can do it at work when I have to bitch at a vendor....) I guess I'll start with this post.

This week at a glance…


Chuck, Jared and I went out for the first day of rifle season. We met for breakfast at 4:00 AM, or at least I was there by then. I never expect Chuck to be on time. He is a self-employed contractor so his clock is adjustable. We had all intentions of being in the field by 5:00 AM. This may have happened if Chuck had not dropped his cell phone “somewhere between the trucks and here”.

We have all adopted this ‘unwritten safety rule’. When walking in the field(s) or through the woods in the dark, you keep your flashlight on, pointed down and in front of you. Even if your eyes are adjusted to any moonlight, this for others to see YOU. Every so often, you stop and shine the flashlight slowly across the horizon. When you do this, all other people within view are to shine their flashlights in the direction of the walker’s light. This process indicates to the walker the location of others, how many other people are on the hill and weather they are in a tree stand or on the ground. By the time we made it into the field my spot had been compromised by at least 3 other people within a few hundred yards of my position. That’s too close for comfort, and they were here first. I had to find another spot. Unfortunately it has turned out that the only spot I could find with no one in view was the worst spot on the hill.


We called off the hunt for the day due to inclement weather. I will hunt in the snow, rain, sleet and cold, but not high winds. This is for a number or reasons. So I planned a day of work. When I went to bed the night before, my foot had been hurting from the miles walk up and down the hills and woods. It was no big deal as I was quite used to it. This morning when I got out of bed, I all but fell over the dog trying to get up out of bed. A few steps and stretches later, all is much better and I’m off to work.

All is below average but doing ok, until the lunch football game. Running for a touchdown, I landed on the foot ‘all wrong’. I felt something rip, for lack of a better word. The rest of the workday I was hobbling around the shop in pain. Sick of the pain and all, I called the doctors office and explained my situation to the duty nurse. To make a long story short, by 8:00 PM I was on my way home after a cortisone shot in the heel. Tore tendons are no fun. :-(


Another hunting trip was planned for today. My very swelled foot and too much beer the night before kept me at home. So after I finally made it to my feet about 8:00 AM, it turned into another ‘Me Day’. I even went to Pizza hut and all!

I wanted to write about Thursday and Friday, but Carnealian is to blame! My wife had a little bit to do with it too. (That sounds bad……)